5 Tips To Prevent Catching A Cold This Winter
As winter approaches, it's essential to take precautions to stay healthy & keep the common cold at bay. While there's no foolproof way to avoid it entirely, following these tips can significantly reduce your chances of getting sick or GREATLY shorten its duration.
Wash Your Hands Regularly
Viruses spread easily through touch, coughing and sneezing. Be diligent about washing your hands with soap and water, especially after being in public places, touching door handles, or shaking hands. If you’re on the go, carry hand sanitizer as a backup.Stay Hydrated & Healthy With The Immune Boost IV
Drinking plenty of water helps keep your body functioning optimally. Dehydration can weaken your defenses, so aim for 6-8 glasses a day or use IV hydration as a cheat code. A 1 liter bag of IV fluids equates to drinking 2 gallons of water 🤯. Enhance this even more with an Immune Boost IV which is the immune boosting blend full of antioxidants to fight off illness.Boost Your Immune System With These Natural Supplements
A few of our favorite, and well studied, supplements to prevent illness or shortness its duration are as follows:-Elderberry. Take this daily in the winter to prevent catching a cold.
-Oil of Oregano. Take this at the first signs of feeling under the weather. Look for quality forms of this oil in liquid form at your local health food store. Oregano oil helps eliminate germs due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
-Vitamin C. Get vitamin C injections or add it onto an IV treatment to prevent and shorten illness. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which reduces inflammation causing illness and provides the body with armor to fight off a cold. If you want to boost your immunity even more, take liposomal vitamin C in capsule form. Those is the highest absorbing vitamin C that is available in pill form.
P.S. You can’t overdose on vitamin C (but if you have kidney failure, take caution). You can take high doses of it when you’re sick and your body will eliminate the excess.
-Slippery Elm. Slippery elm powder forms a mucilage, a substance that becomes a slick gel when mixed with water. It coats the mouth, throat, stomach, and intestines to prevent germs from hanging out in our throat or stomach, helping eliminate them quicker. Find a powder form of this or purchase capsules and open them up and shake them into a lukewarm glass of water to drink.
***STL locals - all these can be found at Fresh Thyme Market in the supplement aisles.Get Plenty of Rest
Sleep is essential for a healthy immune system. Aim for 7-9+ hours of sleep per night to help your body recover and fend off illnesses. Make rest a priority when you feel signs of illness coming on to allow your body’s defenses to work their best.
Take care of your body this cold and flu season and it will take care of you.
Stay happy, healthy & hydrated this winter. STL!